
2011年12月26日 来源:跨考教育

    定语从句在写作中一直是个难点,说它难主要体现在三个地方,其一、需要写两个句子,一主一从,对写单句的能力有要求,其二是有没有必要写,有个考生写there is an American girl who keeps a charming smile on her face,其实这样的写法反而不简洁,直接写An American girl keeps a charming smile岂不更直接?其三是如果把它安排在文章的段首句,虽然可以默写出定语从句,但是会造成雷同。那么怎样才能更灵活地使用定语从句,让它既能默写又不雷同呢?其中一个办法是把定语从句安排成以下的结构:Those who+动词are more likely to+动词,compared with those who don't+动词 。
    在这个结构中,第一个划着方框的动词是用来重申文章主题的,中间划横线的动词是想表达的内容,最后一个划着方框的动词和第一个划着方框的动词相同,用来呼应主题,就能把定语从句和比较级联用,使单句写的更趋变化。比如还是2007年"自信"这篇文章,如果你想表达"有自信的人能够融入社会、创造 财富、开创事业"这个意思的时候,就可以写成:Those who have confidence are more likely to fit into a competitive society, thus accumulating his wealth and establishing his career, compared with those who don't have confidence。这么写是不是更像书面语呢?
    这个句子结构的前面还有变招,那就是加上和调查研究有关的数据写法,即使你就会两个动词,也能立刻写出长句,还是拿2007年"自信"这篇文章为例,如果考试的时候,你想不了那么多,和"自信"有关的句子只记得"融入社会、得到机会",就可以这么写:先写和数据有关的句子,比如 Department of Sociology, Beijing University made a study of 1,132 citizens for over two months. Despite their age, gender and income levels, there is one thing in common: those who have confidence are more likely to fit into a competitive society and obtain more opportunites, compared with those who don't have confidence. 这样把数据写法和定从交织使用,就能用较少的背诵量,形成快速有效的写作量。
    方法四:巧用not only, but also
    我们在讲解重要性和有害性句子的时候曾经用过not only, but also,不过这种写法,在not only和but also的后面都只能用一个形容词,的确有些"大材小用",其实not only, but also的变化有很多,可以用它控制主语:Not only will they+动词,but they also will+动词。还可以用它控制宾语:名词+动词+not only+名词1,but also+名词2 and such benefits (problems)as+名词3。
    比如2007年的"自信"这篇文章,如果你想表达"自信的人可以融入社会、得到机会",除了用定语从句以外,也可以写成:Not only will a confident person fit into a competitive society, but he also will obtain more opportunities. 再比如说2006年的"追星"这篇文章,如果你想表达"他们浪费了很多本来应该花在工作和学习上的时间,正常生活颠倒,不吃饭、不睡觉、不做作业"就可以 写成:Not only will they waste much time that should have been spent on their study and work, but their everyday life will probably go upside down, with their food uneaten, sleep lost or homework undone。
    假如你写作的时候用不出较难的动词也不要紧,只要让动词简单一些,加强名词的具体化即可,因为还有名词+动词+not only+名词1,but also+名词2 and such benefits (problems)as+名词3这个结构帮助你,例如2001年"爱心"这篇文章,在表达"爱心可以给人带来物质支持、情感抚慰和精神支柱"这个意思的 时候,就可以把谓语动词直接处理成bring:Love can bring people not only material support, but also mental comfort and such benefits as spiritual back-up。再比如2003年的文章写"溺爱",如果你想表达"父母给孩子们提供了可口的食品,舒适的住处和时尚的服装",则可以写成:Parents give their children only only delicous food, but also fashionable clothes and such benefits as comfortable dwellings.
    如果我们想表达"这种行为和态度会对社会的持续发展施加消极影响",就可以先写in my view, 然后用"it is 这种行为和态度that对社会的持续发展施加消极影响"结构,原来的单句就变成了In my view, it is their actions and attitude that exert negative effects on the sustainable development of a society.
    同理,如果文章的结尾处,你想表达"这种做法的坏处盖过了好处",也可以写成In my view, it is the side-effects arising from this action that overshadow the so-called benefits.
    总结:会写短句者会写长句。文章中提到的很多句子同学们应该都比较熟悉,无论是fit into a society, accumulate wealth还是side-effects overshadow the so-called benefits,大家可以先从短句学起,先试着用短句把意思表达清楚,这个时候再参考一些长句串接办法,逐渐学会写出长句。学会了写内容具体的短句,自然就会写结构多变的长句,不然,长句就成了一些公式和架构,不能做到内容形式兼顾。

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